A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Welcome to this weird world of flying obstacles. You are a rocket pilot, your mission, should you choose to accept: lead the rocket (and yourself) safely to the landing pad.

Made by: NGUYEN Kim Duy aka Zoui 

Concept by: Gamedev

Scripted by: Zoui

Terrain built by: Zoui

Audio: From freesound.org and Sidearm Studios

Terrain and Water by Pinwheel Studios (On Unity Assets Store)

For MacOS Users, please go to Terminal, navigate to your the downloaded file using cd 

cd <PATH_TO_YOUR_APP>/<APP_NAME>.app/Contents/MacOS/


cdmod -R 777 Boosteroid_Mac.app


Boosteroid_Windows.zip 47 MB
Boosteroid_Mac.app.zip 56 MB

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